Hyekang Kim
Same Fruit, Different Story
How can communication design promote consumer awareness
and support for sustainable farming practices in the Australian
avocado industry?
Project Abstract
This research explores how communication design can be used as a vehicle to bridge the gap between consumer perceptions and the sustainable practices of the Australian avocado industry to create a public campaign. Through a practice-based enquiry—encompassing literature review, analysis of industry reports and past campaigns, and iterative design processes, this research aims to refine communication strategies that resonate with consumers and encourage more informed, eco-conscious choice and consumption. Through this approach, the study aspires to provide insights that can enhance the effectiveness of sustainability messaging, fostering a more environmentally aware consumer base and supporting the Australian avocado industry’s commitment to sustainable farming.

Fig. 1 – Same Fruit, Different Story

Fig. 2 –
Same Fruit, Different Story

Fig. 3 –
Same Fruit, Different Story