Ishaan Ketan Ambavane
Revealing hidden narrratives of the mundane
through graphic design
How can everyday objects be recontextualised using design strategies?
Project Abstract
This project explores my design practice of reimagining everyday objects as fictional artifacts, uncovering their multiple layers of meaning. I use these objects as tools for critical reflection, drawing inspiration from nature, architecture, and the people around me. Even a simple plastic chair interacts with its environment, sparking my curiosity about the deeper significance of inanimate objects. This inquiry drives the direction of my research.
Q: In 5 words or less, what is communication design research really like?
A: Articulating your design process.
Q: Band name or song title that best captures your feeling about communication design.
A: I Can’t Hold It
Q: How many hours a day do you spend thinking about or
practising design?
A: 24
Q: Tea or coffee? Estimate number of litres you consumed in 2024 so far.
A: Both. 37l each.
Q: Weirdest typeface you have ever used?
A: get_schwifty__a_rick_and_morty_font_by_jonizaak-dajw4u8
Q: If communication design were a dish or meal, what would it be and why?
A: Crab Curry. Its complicated, not everyone knows how to eat it but it looks absolutely beautiful.

Fig. 1 –
Chair Monster Incorporated.

Fig. 2 –
Pit Stop.

Fig. 3 –