John Ze Yuan Yin
Emotion Storage
Project Abstract
Emotion Storage
Project Abstract
When immaterial emotion becomes something concrete through extended-matters, how will they be presented in reality? Emotion storage is a research project focusing on how to use design method to materialize the abstract concept of emotion. Paper gives the concrete body for emotion coming to the realistic world and relative information visualizes the emotion through metadata and medium. The results will be presented through 100 pieces of bookmarks containing different types of my personal emotion events from September 2022 to September 2023. They are called ‘Emotion Slide’. Each piece of bookmark contains information about photograph, waveform diagram, description of the event, emotional ingredients and QR codes of location and audio dialogue for people to finish the scene reproduction of the emotion event.
I am glad that I give everything I have to produce this research project as my final artefact for my master degree of communication design in RMIT. Whatever the results is good or not, I am glad to see my own limit when I push almost 100% of myself throughout the semester. Because the theme of this project, I have to face my past with different types of emotions either they were positive or negative. It is hard and challenging to deal with these past memories again. But courage is what I have to face them. I would like to call it ‘self-dissection’ as it is painful and tired during the process. But they are precious memories that help me know, understand and complete my ego.

Fig. 1 -
Presenting the characteristics of adhesiveness and temporality about emotion through an information hierarchy information system related to it.

Fig. 2 – This is the whole project structure of ‘emotion storage’ experience. Each section presents the characteristics of emotions such as adhesiveness and temporality

Fig. 3 –
Mainly focusing on materialization of emotion and the idea of storage