Mengyuan Huang
OfferWhale - Smoother and more positive UX design
of recruitment websites
Project Abstract
OfferWhale - Smoother and more positive UX design
of recruitment websites
Project Abstract
The modern job-seeking process has become increasingly digitalised, with recruitment websites playing a pivotal role in connecting jobseekers with potential employers. Whilst these platforms aim to streamline the process for jobseekers, the experience of job seeking remains one of anxiety for many, as contributed by feelings of uncertainty, in-site confusion of certain steps, overloaded information, and inefficiency in communication and application. Understanding the behaviour and emotions of jobseekers on recruitment websites is crucial, as it can inform the design of platforms that are more accommodating and supportive. By addressing the anxiety-inducing user difficulties and pain points of the current recruiting industry through UX design, we can enhance the overall experience for jobseekers and contribute to a more efficient, effective, and equitable job market.

Fig. 1 - Understand jobseekers’ behaviour and emotions to help improve their online job searching experience.

Fig. 2 – The user flow of registering, searching, and applying for a job on the recruitment website

Fig. 3 –
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