Xinyuan Zhang
Graphic design as an awareness tool to promote sustainable tourism: Taking Hainan Province, China as an example
Project Abstract
Project Abstract
This design research project aims to explore graphic design as an awareness tool to promote sustainable tourism by employing the action research cycle and semi– structured interview method.
In 2021, scholar Vijay Kolinjivadi coined the term ‘extractive tourism,’ which is a good summary of all the damage modern travel does to the environment, from traditionally extractive activities like fishing or panning for gold, and it also captures unsustainable ideas of cultural exploitation present in tourism.
This research project is an investigation into public awareness and practical methods of sustainable tourism. It aims to promote the transformation of unsustainable tourism experiences into sustainable ones. By taking Hainan Province, China, as an example, the researcher made a place-based, foldable booklet that connects different spheres
of sustainable locations in the city, with illustrations based on what these sustainable destinations are available funnily and impressively and using sustainable printing methods for visitors to get inspiration for where they go. The outcomes may provide valuable insights for designers, travelers, and policymakers in shaping the future of sustainable tourism.

Fig. 1 – Research practise/Iterable whatever/Malfunction

Fig. 2 – Making sense

Fig. 3 – A place-based, foldable booklet that connects different spheres of sustainable locations in
the city, with illustrations based on what these sustainable destinations are available in a funny and
impressive way and using sustainable printing methods for visitors to get inspiration for where they go