Courtney Bree
Socially Responsive Advertising:
Is This Us?
This advertising campaign was created for The Australian Football League, and offers consumers a gift of socially responsive ambition that aims to build trust and respect with consumers.
The AFL has problems with violence against women within the culture, fans, players and employees. Each of the applications addresses a concern of gender based violence that I have identified as occurring within the AFL community.
My campaign flips current campaign for the 2021-2022 AFL season (‘this is us”), becoming ‘is this us?”. The ambition is to prompt consumers to question the values held within their selves and their community. It is not directly blaming a singular person but taking aim at a culture within a distinct community.
By asking the viewer ‘is this us?’ I intend for them to feel concern and shame that this type of behaviour is occurring within the community and culture they so passionately identify themselves with.
The AFL is gifting education, through facts and statistics on gender-based violence, and through prompting critical thinking and self-reflection. Giving consumers the encouragement to consider and change their own behaviour and become more aware and critical of the behaviour of others within their community.